Scrotal Infection


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  • February, 25 2006 at MATT-FEST! at the Acme Warehouse
    1230 courtland ave, columbus, OH 43201
    Cost: $5
    matt's 18th b-day show w/ the sarah halcombs, joey blackheart and the gallows, white house crooks, gowm, scrotal infection, alcholbollocks, the beer sluts (thats right, back by populer displeasure, beer sluts reunion), engulfed, prime directive, sotb, graveyard bandits, skullhedface, american timebomb, MORE

  • January, 9 2006 at Bernies Distillery, 1896 N. High St., Columbus, OH 43085 w/ The Boils, Alcho-Bollocks, Statuatory Ape, & American Timebomb...... be there!!!!